Key services

Trademark registration

Essential part in creating a unique identifier for their business.

Licensing and franchising

Entitlement to use logos, marketing systems and business processes to generate revenue.

Protecting and Enforcing IP Rights

If you suspect someone is using your IP without your permission, take action immediately.

Request form

Would you like to get a service or a consultation? Fill in the form below and get the answer in 24h.

Get in touch.

IP Bureau is here to answer all your questions that you have in trademark registration of your business. Reach out to her at or call +7 (916) 302-67-68 for a non-obligatory discussion.

Even if you have a query related to copyright infringement or intellectual property rights , drop Svetlana a line and she will get back to you as soon as she can.

IP Bureau is located at 127018, Moscow, 1st Streletsky pr. 3.